Tuesday, January 22, 2013

This moment !

This moment is the only moment that we have.

We can use it in one of these 3 ways

1] think about the past
2] think about the future
3] use it to do something right now which is important to us.

The past is a memory in our mind. There can be good memories and bad memories. While we like to reminisce about good memories of the past and get pleasure out of it, it does not help us to solve our present problems.
And the bad memories take our mood and energy away.

The future is just the creation of our mind. The mind tries to predict future scenarios. Though it might help us to be prepared for future uncertainties, it more often leads to worries and anxiety.

The present moment…..this moment…..is where the power resides. We can use it to solve our problems. This moment is the only moment we have for action.

How should we avoid going into the past or future?
By understanding the importance of being in the present and by being constantly alert about it.

So what are you going to do in this moment…right now?