Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Focus on your strengths

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single talent left, and could say, “I used everything you gave me” - Erma Bombeck

Why is it that we focus on weaknesses and not strengths?
Doesn't it make more sense to concentrate on what we do well?
Concentrating on strengths is exactly what the world's most successful people like Sachin Tendulkar did to get where they are. They spent thousands of hours developing what they do well.
You can figure out whether you are working in your area of strength.

When you're not able to use your strengths at work, you'll:
* Dread going to work
* Have negative interactions with colleagues
* Achieve less on a daily basis
* Have fewer positive and creative moments.

When you're able to use your strengths at work, you'll:
* enjoy going to work
* Have positive interactions with colleagues
* Achieve more on a daily basis
* Have more positive and creative moments.

Finding your strength can be hugely empowering.
Sometimes we may not be able to see the strengths in ourselves as clearly as others do.
One of the best methods of finding your strength is to have a conversation with somebody you trust who will help you.


  1. Excellent post for a Monday morning, but the trick is to find one's strength perhaps. :)

    1. Very true.Lucky are those who find their strengths early in life.
